
Showing posts from December, 2021

Jazz's influence in Germany

     1919, a war would be memorialized in the history books. The first World War would finally come to an end and a new landscape would devour the German state. The war had cost the country a great amount, more than they could pay leading to borrowing, and suspension of the gold standard. Reparations would not help the matter, as Germany owed more money than they could think of possessing at the time. The solution to the Weimar Republic was to print more money, a solution that would lead to the detrimental effects. A depression was about to sweep over the country, the Mark, currency of WWI Germany, was worth nothing in the global market. 42 billion marks would equal a single American cent, which meant that commerce and goods would also rise in price. The everyday German person was under a lot of pressure and stress to provide for themselves and their families, this period would not last long, as Allied interference would try to rebuild the country's economy, but it would leave a gr